@techreport{ErsoyTerraponPfaff2021, author = {Ersoy, Sibel Raquel and Terrapon-Pfaff, Julia}, title = {Sustainable transformation of Egypt's energy system : development of a phase model}, institution = {Friedrich-Ebert-Siftung}, address = {Cairo}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:wup4-opus-78927}, pages = {36}, year = {2021}, abstract = {A clear understanding of socio-technical interdependencies and a structured vision are prerequisites for fostering and steering a transition to a fully renewables-based energy system. To facilitate such understanding, a phase model for the renewable energy transition in MENA countries has been developed and applied to the country case of Egypt. It is designed to support the strategy development and governance of the energy transition and to serve as a guide for decision makers. Egypt, with its abundant solar and wind energy potential, has excellent preconditions to embark on the pathway towards a 100\% renewable energy system. The country has successfully taken its first steps in this direction by attracting international finance and implementing several large-scale solar and wind projects. Yet, while Egypt has made significant progress, increased efforts are still required if the country aims to proceed towards a fully renewables-based system. The stronger system integration of renewable energies requires, for example, an alignment of regulations for the electricity, mobility and heat sectors. In this context, Egypt would be well advised to develop and implement an overall strategy for the energy transition that includes not only electricity generation but all sectors. By placing a stronger focus on renewable energy, also to decarbonise the industrial sector, Egypt, as Africa's second most industrialised country, could seize the opportunity for economic development within a decarbonising global economy. The results of the analysis along the transition phase model towards 100\% renewable energy are intended to stimulate and support the discussion on Egypt's future energy system by providing an overarching guiding vision for the energy transition and the development of appropriate policies.}, language = {en} }