@article{BlockViebahn2022, author = {Block, Simon and Viebahn, Peter}, title = {Direct Air Capture (DAC) in Germany : resource implications of a possible rollout in 2045}, journal = {Responsabilit{\´e} \& environnement}, number = {105}, url = {https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:wup4-opus-78939}, pages = {78 -- 82}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Direct Air Capture (DAC) is increasingly being discussed as a possibility to limit climate change. In this study, a possible rollout of the DAC technology at German coastal areas is analysed based on an existing climate neutrality scenario. For the year 2045 the resulting costs as well as land, water and energy consumption are examined. It is concluded that a realization of the DAC technology in Germany might be possible from a technical point of view. However, there is a high demand for land and energy. Since a rollout is needed to start in 20 years at the latest, the required discussion and evaluation should be initiated as quickly as possible.}, language = {en} }