@techreport{ReitzensteinPoppOeietal.2022, author = {Reitzenstein, Alexander and Popp, Rebekka and Oei, Pao-Yu and Brauers, Hanna and Stognief, Nora and Kemfert, Claudia and Kurwan, Jenny and Wehnert, Timon}, title = {Structural change in coal regions as a process of economic and social-ecological transition : lessons learnt from structural change processes in Germany}, series = {Climate change}, volume = {2021,33}, institution = {Umweltbundesamt}, address = {Dessau-Ro{ß}lau}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:wup4-opus-79421}, pages = {53}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Effective policies to mitigate climate change need to be accompanied by a socially just transition. Based on experiences of past and ongoing transition policies in coal regions in Europe and with indications to the specificity of framework conditions and challenges and to the potential effectiveness and transferability of approaches, this paper presents lessons learnt which can be inspirational for similar transitions in other coal regions and for transitions in other sectors.}, language = {en} }