@techreport{KreibichArensCarvalhoetal.2022, author = {Kreibich, Nicolas and Arens, Christof and Carvalho, Maria and Meneses Campos, Mireille and Sherman, Luke}, title = {Suitability and success factors of offsets post-2020}, series = {Climate change}, volume = {2021,59}, institution = {Umweltbundesamt}, address = {Dessau-Ro{ß}lau}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:wup4-opus-80166}, pages = {108}, year = {2022}, abstract = {Offsetting enables countries and companies to meet part of their climate change mitigation obligations by using mitigation outcomes generated elsewhere - in lieu of own emission reductions. This report explores the future role of offset approaches and how they could be successfully integrated into a post-2020 climate regime by focusing both the supply and demand side. For this purpose, the report develops a conceptual approach that derives a normative vision of what should be considered a successful offset use in a top-down manner to then link this vision to specific factors on the ground in sectors and jurisdictions where offsets will be generated and used. It explores how these factors influence the successful operationalisation of the offset approach and how they can inform its design. In addition, the report also explores six conceptual design aspects to providing recommendations on how to take these factors into account during the design of the offset approach. Based on these findings, the authors derive overarching policy recommendations on the integration of offsets into carbon pricing schemes.}, language = {en} }