@article{HermwilleSchulzeSteinenBrandemannetal.2023, author = {Hermwille, Lukas and Schulze-Steinen, Max and Brandemann, Victoria and Roelfes, Michaela and Vrontisi, Zoi and Kesk{\"u}la, Eeva and Anger-Kraavi, Annela and Trembaczowski, Lukasz and Mandrysz, Witold and Muster, Rafal and Zygmunt-Ziemianek, Agata}, title = {Of hopeful narratives and historical injustices : an analysis of just transition narratives in European coal regions}, journal = {Energy research \& social science}, doi = {10.1016/j.erss.2023.103263}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:wup4-opus-83961}, year = {2023}, abstract = {In recent years, the public discourse on the phase-out of carbon-intensive technologies and practices has come to a near consensus that a {"}just transition{"} is required. Yet, this term seems to have as many meanings as there are stakeholders using it. The purpose of this paper is to unpack the different meanings that regional stakeholders assign to it and the underlying dimensions of in(justice) that they invoke in their political communication. To this end, we employ a policy narrative analysis to study and compare the political discourse in four European coal and carbon-intensive mining regions: Ida-Virumaa (Estonia, oil shale), the Rhenish mining region (Germany, lignite), Upper Silesia (Poland, hard coal) and Western Macedonia (Greece, lignite). Specifically, we address the following research questions: Which narratives are characterising the political discourse around just transition? Which (in)justices are being invoked? Which patterns, similarities or differences are recognizable between regions? We found that hopeful narratives describing structural change as an opportunity to reinvent the region are prevalent in all regions. Strong narratives of resistance only prevail in Upper Silesia and Ida-Virumaa where a phase-out decision has not yet been adopted. In terms of injustices, we find surprisingly little evidence that injustices related to the immediate effects of the transformation (e.g. lay-offs and compensation for workers and companies) play an important role. Instead, the aspects related to the historical injustices produced by the legacy industrial system prevail. And perhaps most importantly, questions about access and allocation of the opportunities of the imminent transition are key and should be addressed more explicitly.}, language = {en} }