@techreport{ProffBendixGoezetetal.2022, author = {Proff, Silvia and Bendix, Phillip and G{\"o}zet, Burcu and Schinkel, Jennifer and Rose, Christopher and Wilts, Henning}, title = {Plastic credits - financing the transition to the global circular economy : final assessment report on the pilot regions Goa, Maharashtra, Kerala}, institution = {Wuppertal Institut f{\"u}r Klima, Umwelt, Energie}, address = {Wuppertal}, doi = {10.48506/opus-8485}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:wup4-opus-84858}, pages = {35}, year = {2022}, abstract = {The project {"}Plastic Credits - Financing the Transition to the Global Circular Economy{"} supports the implementation of a waste management structure in India's rural regions. By that it aims to improve the current waste collection and treatment structures in the pilot regions Goa, Maharashtra, and Kerala. Herein, the project focuses on low value plastics (LVP), and especially multi-layer plastics (MLP), that have no market value. In order to analyze the environmental impacts of the project, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was conducted. The considered environmental components comprise: greenhouse gas emissions, usage of primary resources, impacts on marine and terrestrial wildlife, standard of living, and economic costs.}, language = {en} }