@article{KainumaGrossHourcadeetal.2024, author = {Kainuma, Mikiko and Gross, Robert and Hourcade, Jean-Charles and La Motta, Sergio and Lechtenb{\"o}hmer, Stefan and Masui, Toshihiko}, title = {Accelerating actions for leveraging a climate-neutral sustainable society}, journal = {Sustainability science}, volume = {19}, doi = {10.1007/s11625-023-01445-7}, pages = {1 -- 6}, year = {2024}, abstract = {The establishment of the Leveraging a Climate-neutral Society–strategic Research Network (LCS–RNet) (then named the International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies) was proposed at the Group of Eight (G8) Environment Ministers’ Meeting in 2008. Its 12th annual meeting in December 2021 focused on the discussion on how to transition into a just and sustainable society and how to reduce the risks associated with the transition. This requires comprehensive studies including on the concept of transition, pathways to net-zero societies and how to realise the pathways by collaborating with various stakeholders. This Special Feature provides new insights into sustainability science by linking the scientific knowledge with practical science for the transition through the exploration of studies presented at the annual meeting. Following the opening paper, {"}A challenge for sustainability science: can we halt climate change?{"}, a wide range of topics were discussed, including practices for sustainable transformation in the Erasmus University, practices in industry, energy transition and international cooperation.}, language = {en} }