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Resource productivity in 7 steps : how to develop eco-innovative products and services and improve their material footprint

  • This compendium "Resource Productivity in 7 Steps" is intended to give practical advice to designers, engineers, distributors, banks, lawmakers and others how to increase the resource productivity of goods and services (dematerialisation). The eco-innovative (re-)design of products begins with the definition/description of the benefit or service, which a product provides to its user. The use of MIPS (Material Input Per unit Service) helps to develop solutions that can provide this benefit with the least possible quantity of natural resources, from. It measures the material and energy input of a product throughout its life-cycle, "from cradle to cradle" (production of raw materials, manufacturing, transportation, use, disposal). Thus,This compendium "Resource Productivity in 7 Steps" is intended to give practical advice to designers, engineers, distributors, banks, lawmakers and others how to increase the resource productivity of goods and services (dematerialisation). The eco-innovative (re-)design of products begins with the definition/description of the benefit or service, which a product provides to its user. The use of MIPS (Material Input Per unit Service) helps to develop solutions that can provide this benefit with the least possible quantity of natural resources, from. It measures the material and energy input of a product throughout its life-cycle, "from cradle to cradle" (production of raw materials, manufacturing, transportation, use, disposal). Thus, material and energy consumption can be minimised while satisfying the demand and decoupling of the economic activities from resource use. The brochure describes in seven steps how to gain more resource productivity. It provides several worksheets for the innovation process and material intensity factors for the calculation of the material footprint. A translation into traditional chinese is also available.show moreshow less

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    Date of the Publication (Server): 2011/11/04

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Document Type:Report
Author:Michael Lettenmeier, Holger Rohn, Christa LiedtkeORCiDGND, Friedrich Schmidt-Bleek
Publisher:Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
Place of publication:Wuppertal
Year of Publication:2009
Number of page:56
Series Title (English):Wuppertal Spezial
External link:https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:101:1-2010050774
Divisions:Nachhaltiges Produzieren und Konsumieren
Dewey Decimal Classification:600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften
Licence:License LogoIn Copyright - Urheberrechtlich geschützt