Document Type
- Report (8)
- Contribution to Periodical (2)
- Working Paper (2)
- Peer-Reviewed Article (1)
Several studies in Germany aimed at the development of a sound database on existing waste prevention measures by public bodies at the local, regional and federal levels. These results are the starting point for the creation of a national prevention program, which has to be presented by all European Member States until the end of 2013 - due to the revised European Waste Framework Directive. Based on this empirical foundation, this paper draws conclusions with regard to drivers and barriers for eco-innovations in the field of waste prevention. The analysis shows that an optimized adaptation of information on waste prevention to the needs of specific target groups is still missing but could be a relevant driver. With regard to barriers the results of the study show that waste prevention is by no means always a win–win-situation. Institutional frameworks are missing to coordinate the different interests and for the exchange of experiences that could help to realize learning effects regarding innovation approaches.
Based on the European Waste Framework Directive and the German Recycling Management Act of 01.06.2012 the objectives for a national waste prevention programme were defined. As main objective, according to art. 1 WFD, the "prevention or reduction of the disadvantageous impacts of waste generation and management on the human health and the environment" is recommended. Indicators for a quantitative and qualitative monitoring are derived for both, the individual measures as well as for a waste prevention programme.
Indikatoren für ein quantitatives und qualitatives Monitoring werden sowohl für einzelne Maßnahmen als auch für ein Abfallvermeidungsprogramm hergeleitet. Die knapp 300 Maßnahmen zur Abfallvermeidung durch die öffentliche Hand aus der Beispielsammlung des Vorläuferprojektes werden zunächst bewertet und konsolidiert. Entlang der Lebenswegstufen Rohstoffgewinnung, Produktgestaltung, Produktion, Logistik, Handel, Einkauf, Nutzung und Abfallentsorgung werden diese systematisch gruppiert. Das Abfallvermeidungspotenzial und die ökologischen Auswirkungen ausgewählter Einzelmaßnahmen werden orientierend bewertet. Die wesentlichen Effekte werden durch die Vermeidung von Umweltbelastungen bei den "vermiedenen" Produktionsaufwendungen, z.B. durch die intensivere Nutzung und die Verlängerung der Lebensdauer von Produkten, erzielt. Dazu gehört auch die Förderung eines Gebrauchtwarenmarkts zur Wiederverwendung von Waren. Ökonomische und soziale Auswirkungen werden punktuell beschrieben. Basierend auf der Bewertung werden geeignete Abfallvermeidungsmaßnahmen für das nationale Abfallvermeidungsprogramm vorgeschlagen.
The waste prevention program (WPP) from 2013 must be evaluated every 6 years and updated if necessary. The review and evaluation of the implementation of the WPP took place within the scope of the project. Based on the analysis results for the implementation of the WPP at federal, state and municipal level and an assessment of existing prevention potentials, concrete proposals for a possible further development and updating of the program on prioritized waste streams and corresponding priority prevention approaches were developed. In addition, structural adjustment and change needs of the WPP were worked out and further research was shown.