Innerhalb des Projekts "Digitalisierung gestalten - Transformation zur Nachhaltigkeit ermöglichen" werden die besonderen Transformationspotenziale der Digitalisierung herausgearbeitet und für Deutschland am Beispiel der ausgewählten Handlungsfelder Mobilität, Circular Economy sowie Landwirtschaft und Ernährung diskutiert.
Dieser Bericht adressiert das Handlungsfeld einer klimaschonenden und ressourceneffizienten Kreislaufwirtschaft, die Circular Economy. Bisher wird Kreislaufwirtschaft dabei vor allem mit Fokus auf Recycling und Wiederverwertung von Materialien diskutiert. Das greift jedoch zu kurz - es muss um die Skalierung von neuen, ressourcenschonenden Geschäftsmodellen und der umfassenden Transformation von Wertschöpfungsketten und Industriestrukturen gehen.
Die Analyse zeigt: richtig eingesetzt ist Digitalisierung unverzichtbar für diesen Wandel.
Der vorliegende Bericht möchte Anstöße für diesen Weg liefern und neue Impulse für eine klima- und ressourcenschonende Industrietransformation in Deutschland setzen. Der Bericht verarbeitet dabei Ergebnisse eines interdisziplinären Workshops zum Thema "Die digital-ökologische Industrietransformation gestalten - Geschäftsmodelle und politische Rahmenbedingungen für Klima- und Ressourcenschutz" mit Expertinnen und Experten aus Forschung, Zivilgesellschaft, Behörden und Privatunternehmen.
Within the Shaping Digitalisation project, we aim to highlight and discuss the opportunities that digitalisation can bring to Germany. In particular, we are discussing three stand-out areas where action is most needed to achieve ecological transformation: mobility, the circular economy, and agriculture and food.
This report addresses the second area in need of action. Up until now, discussions on the circular economy have been limited to recycling and the re-use of materials. We must expand the scope of these discussions to include new, resource-efficient business models and the comprehensive transformation of value chains and industrial structures. Our analysis has found that digitalisation is indispensable for this transformation if used properly.
We hope this report will provide the impetus needed to kick-start a climate- and resource-friendly industrial transformation in Germany. Here, we have incorporated the findings of our interdisciplinary workshop on "Shaping the Digital-Ecological Industrial Transformation - Business Models and Political Framework Conditions for Climate and Resource Protection" that was attended by experts from international research institutes, civil organizations, public authorities, and private companies.
The ecological challenges of this decade have been clearly identified. The pressure of problems is increasing drastically; progress in climate protection or the preservation of biodiversity is insufficient. Little time is left to act. In consequence, we can only achieve and permanently secure social and environmental prosperity through far-reaching changes in economy and society.
As a socio-technical innovation, digitalisation can realise its full ecological potential above all where it helps to profoundly change today's lifestyles, consumption patterns, and economic practices with a clear commitment to sustainability. As the most urgent design task of the 21st century, it is important to put digitalisation's enormous creative power at the service of the great transformation. The "great transformation" refers to the comprehensive restructuring of technology, the economy, and society in order to deal with the social and ecological challenges of the 21st century. This is a task for state action in terms of both regulatory policy orientation and facilitating collective processes of change - new tasks call for new governance.
A digital-ecological statecraft is the indispensable prerequisite for effective state action to shape the social-ecological digital transformation. Using the example of the platform economy, we explore challenges, starting points, and (policy) measures.