Das Thema dieses Papieres ist die Integration von Nachhaltigkeitskriterien in den Innovationsprozess von Living Labs. Es wurde ein Bewertungsmodell entwickelt, welches den Innovationsprozess in Living Labs zu strukturieren hilft, indem die Anforderungen und Bewertungskriterien definiert werden, die den Innovationsprozess unter dem Nachhaltigkeitsvorzeichen leiten können. Das Modell "Bewertung von Nachhaltigkeitswirkungen im Living Lab Innovationsprozess" stellt den Innovationsprozesses in Living Labs dar und hilft dabei, konzeptionell Nachhaltigkeitskriterien auf Grundlage verschiedener Anforderungsgruppen abzuleiten.
Dieses Papier ist ein Ergebnis aus dem Arbeitspaket 2 "Operationalisierung" im Rahmen des Projektes "Living Labs in der Green Economy: Realweltliche Innovationsräume für Nutzerintegration und Nachhaltigkeit" (INNOLAB), das im Rahmen der Sozial-ökologischen Forschung zum Themenschwerpunkt "Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften" vom Bundesforschungsministerium gefördert wird.
Living-Lab-as-a-Service : exploring the market and sustainability offers of living labs in Germany
Many technical solutions have been developed to enhance the energy efficiency in buildings. However, the actual effectiveness and sustainability of these solutions often do not correspond to expectations because of the missing perspective of design, user's real needs, and unconsidered negative side effects of their use (rebounds). With the aim to help address these challenges, this paper presents results of a longitudinal living lab study and proposes a user-centered building management system (UC-BMS) as a prototype for office buildings. Based on mixed methods, UC-BMS was co-developed, tested, and evaluated in Germany in up to six office buildings, 85 offices, and within two heating periods. The results demonstrate that such user-oriented approach can save up to 20% of energy while maintaining or even improving comfort and work productivity. The findings show three main areas of intervention and elements of UC-BMS: (1) How interactive design and feedback systems (e.g., air quality) can stimulate ventilation practices and energy efficiency in offices and (2) supporting heating system optimization e.g., by better understanding office behavior. (3) Finally, an office comfort survey was conducted to enable communication between facility management and office users and thus limiting complaints and adapting the heating system towards actual office user needs.
The "fuzzy front end" of innovation is argued to be crucial for the success and sustainability impact of a final product. Indeed, it is a promising area of focus in efforts to achieve the United Nations' 2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which provide a globally accepted framework for sustainability. However, the usability of the 17 goals and the large number of sub-goals represent barriers to innovation practitioners. Moreover, this early innovation stage proves to be a challenge for corporate practitioners and innovators, largely due to the concept's intangible, qualitative nature and the lack of data. To help overcome these barriers, this article proposes a four-stage approach for structuring the innovation process using an online tool called the "SDG-Check", which help assess an innovator's sustainability orientation in the early phases of product and service development. It is a semi-quantitative tool to gather and combine assessments by experts involved in innovation processes with implications for the United Nations' SDGs. Furthermore, this article presents our first experiences in applying the SDG-Check based on three living lab innovation cases. The results indicate that the tools can support and inspire a dialogue with internal and external stakeholders with regards to sustainability considerations in the early design stages of product and service development.
Fortschreitende Digitalisierung und zunehmende Internationalisierung von Märkten bergen Herausforderungen für Unternehmen mit traditionell geprägten Arbeits- und Fertigungsstrukturen. Um den steigenden Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, sollten in diesen Unternehmen die digitale Arbeitsfähigkeit und Kompetenzen für Agilität ausgebaut werden. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die Konzeption einer digitalen Plattform zur Steigerung derartiger Kompetenzen in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen (KMU). Die digitale Kompetenzplattform soll insbesondere produzierenden KMU strukturschwacher Regionen helfen, ihre Agilität zu steigern und so zur Innovations- und Zukunftsfähigkeit des Unternehmens beitragen.