Document Type
- Peer-Reviewed Article (1)
- Report (1)
- Working Paper (1)
Green hydrogen will play a key role in building a climate-neutral energy-intensive industry, as key technologies for defossilising the production of steel and basic chemicals depend on it. Thus, policy-making needs to support the creation of a market for green hydrogen and its use in industry. However, it is unclear how appropriate policies should be designed, and a number of challenges need to be addressed. Based on an analysis of the ongoing German debate on hydrogen policies, this paper analyses how policy-making for green hydrogen development may support industry defossilisation. For the assessment of policy instruments, a simplified multi-criteria analysis (MCA) is used with an innovative approach that derives criteria from specific challenges. Four challenges and seven relevant policy instruments are identified. The results of the MCA reveal the potential of each of the selected instruments to address the challenges. The paper furthermore outlines how instruments might be combined in a policy package that supports industry defossilisation, creates synergies and avoids trade-offs. The paper's impact may reach beyond the German case, as the challenges are not specific to the country. The results are relevant for policy-makers in other countries with energy-intensive industries aiming to set the course towards a hydrogen future.
Die große Herausforderung der Industrietransformation ist von besonderer Bedeutung für Nordrhein-Westfalen als eine der wichtigsten Industrieregionen Deutschlands und Europas, in der etwa die Hälfte der Anlagen der energieintensiven Grundstoffindustrie Deutschlands verortet sind und in der die industrielle Produktion wirtschaftlich eine besonders große Rolle spielt. Gleichzeitig kann eine gelingende Transformation der Industrie in NRW als Blaupause für andere Regionen dienen. Der vorliegende Bericht stellt die Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts SCI4climate.NRW 2018-2022 dar, welches die Industrietransformation in NRW wissenschaftlich begleitet und untersucht hat.