Document Type
- Report (7)
- Peer-Reviewed Article (5)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Contribution to Periodical (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
Since the middle of the 20th century, human society experiences a "Great Acceleration" manifesting in historically remarkable growth rates that create severe sustainability problems. The globally exploding potentials of information and knowledge exchange have been and are vital drivers for this acceleration. Society has now come to the point that it requires a "Great Transformation" towards sustainability to ensure the viability of the planet for a vital society. The energy transition plays a central role for this transformation. In this context, human society has developed a comparably good understanding of the necessary infrastructural changes of this transition. For transforming the patterns of energy production and use in an energy transition as part of the "Great Transformation", this process of change now needs to strengthen its focus on information, communication, and knowledge systems. Human society needs to establish a knowledge system that has the potential to create usable knowledge for sustainability solutions. This requires organizing a communication system that is sufficiently complex, interconnected, and, at the same time, efficient for integrating reflexive, open-ended, inter- and transdisciplinary learning, evaluation, and knowledge co-production processes across multiple levels. This challenge opens a wide field of research.
This cumulative dissertation contributes to research in this direction by applying a systemic sustainability perspective on the content and organization of communication in the field of research on sustainable energy and the operational level of municipal climate action as part of the energy transition. Regarding sustainability, this thesis uses strong sustainability and its principles as a frame for evaluating the content of communication. Regarding the systemic perspective, the thesis particularly relies on the following theories: (i) the human-environment system model by R. Scholz as an overarching framework regarding interactions between humans and nature, (ii) social systems theory by N. Luhmann to reflect the complexity of society, (iii) knowledge management to consider the human character of knowledge and a practice-oriented perspective, and (iv) management cybernetics, in particular, the Viable System Model by S. Beer as a framework to analyze and assess organizational structures. Furthermore, the thesis leverages the potential of text mining as a method to identify and visualize patterns in texts that reflect prevalent paradigms in communication.
The thesis applies the above conceptual and methodological basis in three case studies. Case Study 1 investigates the measures proposed in 16 municipal climate action plans of regional centers in Lower Saxony, Germany. It uses a text mining approach in the form of an Summary interpretation network analysis. It analyzes how different societal subsystems are connected at the semantic level and to what extent sustainability principles can be recognized. Case Study 2 analyzes and reflects paradigms and discursive network structures in international scientific publications on sustainable energy. The study investigates 26533 abstracts published from 1990 to 2016 using a text mining approach, in particular topic modeling via latent Dirichlet allocation. Case Study 3 turns again to the cases of municipal climate action in Lower Saxony examined in Case Study 1. It examines the involvement of climate action managers of these cities in multilevel knowledge processes. Using design principles for knowledge systems, it evaluates to what extent knowledge is managed in this field across levels for supporting the energy transition and to what extent local innovation potential is leveraged or supported.
The three case studies show that international research on sustainable energy and municipal climate action in Germany provide promising contributions to achieve a transformation towards sustainability but do not fully reflect the complexity of society and still support a growth paradigm, in contrast to a holistic sustainability paradigm. Further, the case studies show that research and local action are actively engaging with the diversity of energy technologies but are lagging in dealing with the socio-epistemic (communication) system, especially with regard to achieving cohesion. Using the example of German municipalities, Case Studies 1 and 3 highlight the challenges of achieving coherent local action for sustainability and bottom-up organizational learning due to incomplete or uncoordinated multilevel knowledge exchange. At the same time, the studies also point out opportunities for supporting the required coherent multilevel learning processes based on local knowledge. This can be achieved, for instance, by strengthening the coordinating role of intermediary organizational units or establishing closer interactions between the local operational units and the national level.
The thesis interprets and synthesizes the results of the three case studies from its systemic sustainability perspective. On this basis, it provides several generalized recommendations that should be followed for establishing viable communication systems, especially but not exclusively in policy-making:
Systemic holism: Consider matter, energy, and information flows as an integrated triplet in the context of scales, structures, and time in the various subsystems. Knowledge society: Focus on the socio-epistemic (communication) system, e.g., using the perspective of knowledge systems and associated design principles considering, for instance, working environments across horizontal and vertical levels, knowledge forms and types, and knowledge processes. Sufficiency communication: Emphasize sufficiency approaches, make it attractive, and find differentiated ways for communicating them. Multilevel cohesion and innovation: Achieve cohesion between the local and higher levels and leverage local innovations while avoiding isolated local action. Organizational interface design: Define the role of organizational units by the interactions they create at the interfaces with and between societal subsystems. Local transdisciplinarity: Support local transdisciplinary approaches integrating various subsystems, especially industry, while coordinating these approaches from a higher level for leveraging local innovation. Digital public system: Exploit existing digital technologies or infrastructures in the public system and recognize the value of data in the public sphere for achieving cohesion. Beyond the above recommendations, this thesis suggests that potential for further research lies in: Advancing nature-inspired systemic frameworks. Understanding the structure and creation of human knowledge. Developing text mining methodologies towards solution-oriented approaches.
Es wurde ein systematisches Aktivitäten-Monitoring zur nationalen und internationalen Umsetzung von SDG 12 "Nachhaltige Konsum- und Produktionsmuster sicherstellen" durch Deutschland aufgebaut. Damit soll der Umsetzungsstand zum SDG 12 erfasst und Handlungsoptionen abgeleitet werden. Der Umsetzungsstand ist in einer nutzerfreundlichen Datenbank aufbereitet. Die Inhalte der Datenbank fließen in internationale Reporting-Prozesse ein. Darüber hinaus wurden vom Projektteam Indikatoren zum nachhaltigen Konsum und zu nachhaltiger Produktion auf ihre Eignung als Indikatoren für die Unterziele von SDG 12 geprüft und auf dieser Basis Impulse zur Weiterentwicklung des bestehenden nationalen Indikatoren-Systems generiert.
Bioökonomie für die Region Stuttgart : Kurzstudie für die Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH
Die Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS) unterstützt die Transformation der Region Stuttgart in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit und sieht die Bioökonomie als eine wichtige Strategie zu diesem Zweck. Die WRS hat das Wuppertal Institut mit dieser Kurzstudie mit dem Fokus auf die industrielle Bioökonomie beauftragt, um eine Informationsgrundlage für die Spezifikation weiterer Aktivitäten der WRS im Kontext der Bioökonomie zu schaffen.
Die Studie gibt einen Überblick über definitorische Ansätze und Diskurslinien der Bioökonomie. Sie fasst Einschätzungen des deutschen Bioökonomierates zu Marktpotenzialen der Bioökonomie in verschiedenen Branchen zusammen, die u.a. für Automobil, Biotechnologie und IKT als gut eingeschätzt werden. Anschließend umreißt die Studie die Innovationsansätze Biomimikry und Biointelligenz. Für den Ansatz Biointelligenz zur biologischen Transformation der industriellen Wertschöpfung werden die in Studien von Dritten identifizierten Marktpotenziale der Biointelligenz zusammengefasst, u.a. in den Bereichen Unterstützungssysteme, Produktionssysteme/-technologien und Baumaterialien. Darüber hinaus stellt die Studie Schnittstellen relevanter Landesstrategien in Baden-Württemberg zu Bioökonomiethemen dar, die synergetisch genutzt werden könnten. Ergänzend gibt die Studie einen Überblick über die Akteurslandschaft in Baden-Württemberg. Der Überblick basiert insbesondere auf dem Bioökonomie Kompetenzatlas wissenschaftlicher Akteure, der von der Landeskoordinierungsstelle an der Universität Hohenheim herausgegeben wird, sowie einer Akteursanalyse aus dem Projekt "Bioökonomie in Baden-Württemberg", das am KIT durch das ITAS durchgeführt wurde und durch die BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH unterstützt wurde. Auf Basis dieser Informationssammlung entwirft die Studie weiterführende Fragen in Bezug auf mögliche weitere Aktivitäten der WRS im Kontext der Bioökonomie, u.a. die mögliche Nutzung von Innovationsansätzen aus dem Bereich der Living Lab und Reallaborforschung.
Effective actions to mitigate climate change are urgently needed, especially in the context of cities, which are major sources of global CO2 emissions. Establishing and managing knowledge systems that integrate local knowledge can contribute to establishing more effective responses to climate change as well as transformative change towards sustainability. However, it is still unclear how new forms of urban governance should acquire, store, create, or disseminate knowledge for fostering sustainability transitions effectively. In this study, we present a multilevel knowledge system approach based on design principles informed especially by the knowledge management literature. These address (i) working environments across multiple levels, (ii) knowledge forms and types, and (iii) knowledge processes. We apply this approach to municipal climate action in the German energy transition. In particular, we focus on the operational work of municipal climate action managers of regional centers of Lower Saxony, one of the largest of the 16 federal states, and investigate their involvement in knowledge processes. Based on semi-structured interviews in 14 of the 17 regional centers, we show that structural pre-conditions for successful knowledge management and organizational learning are present. However, we also show that there is a need for improvement regarding (i) the multilevel coordination for accelerating routine operation, (ii) the persistence of local operational knowledge, and (iii) the exploitation of local innovations. Relying on these results, we offer general recommendations for municipal climate action and suggest that policies should (i) rely on local knowledge for effective decision-making, (ii) foster multilevel exchanges of explicit and tacit knowledge for implementation, and (iii) enable open-ended learning processes that leverage local innovations for creating usable transformational knowledge.
This assessment report identifies six key areas of sustainable consumption. Transforming those areas is associated with a significant, positive impact on sustainable development. In this way, those key areas lay the foundation to set clear priorities and formulate concrete policy measures and recommendations. The report describes recent developments and relevant actors in those six fields, outlines drivers and barriers to reach a shift towards more sustainability in those specific areas, and explores international good-practice examples. On top of this, overarching topics in the scientific discourse concerning sustainable consumption (e.g. collaborative economy, behavioural economics and nudging) are revealed by using innovative text-mining techniques. Subsequently, the report outlines the contributions of these research approaches to transforming the key areas of sustainable consumption. Finally, the report derives policy recommendations to improve the German Sustainable Development Strategy (DNS) in order to achieve a stronger stimulus effect for sustainable consumption.
Reflecting trends in the academic landscape of sustainable energy using probabilistic topic modeling
Background: Facing planetary boundaries, we need a sustainable energy system providing its life support function for society in the long-term within environmental limits. Since science plays an important role in decision-making, this study examines the thematic landscape of research on sustainable energy, which may contribute to a sustainability transformation. Understanding the structure of the research field allows for critical reflections and the identification of blind spots for advancing this field.
Methods: The study applies a text mining approach on 26533 Scopus-indexed abstracts published from 1990 to 2016 based on a latent Dirichlet allocation topic model. Models with up 1100 topics were created. Based on coherence scores and manual inspection, the model with 300 topics was selected. These statistical methods served for highlighting timely topic trends, differing thematic fields, and emerging communities in the topic network. The study critically reflects the quantitative results from a sustainability perspective.
Results: The study identifies a focus on establishing and optimizing the energy infrastructure towards 100% renewable energies through key modern technology areas: materials science, (biological) process engineering, and (digital) monitoring and control systems. Energy storage, photonic materials, nanomaterials, or biofuels belong to the topics with the strongest trends. The study identifies decreasing trends for general aspects regarding sustainable development and related economic, environmental, and political issues.
Conclusions: The discourse is latently adopting a technology-oriented paradigm focusing on renewable energy generation and is moving away from the multi-faceted concept of sustainability. The field has the potential to contribute to climate change mitigation by optimizing renewable energy systems. However, given the complexity of these systems, horizontal integration of the various valuable vertical research strands is required. Furthermore, the holistic ecological perspective considering the global scale that has originally motivated research on sustainable energy might be re-strengthened, e.g., by an integrated energy and materials perspective. Beyond considering the physical dimensions of energy systems, existing links from the currently technology-oriented discourse to the social sciences might be strengthened. For establishing sustainable energy systems, future research will not only have to target the technical energy infrastructure but put a stronger focus on issues perceivable from a holistic second-order perspective.
There is urgent need to change the way we make use of non-renewable resources, especially metals, to sustain their availability for vital technologies associated with achieving change towards sustainability, but also to minimize negative impacts and to achieve a fair distribution of the wealth and burdens associated with their production and use. Especially public actors (state governments and administrations) have recently formulated strategies as a means to guide action fostering these goals. Yet, these strategies are very different in their character, which makes it difficult to compare them and learn how to best design strategies for a given context to contribute to the necessary change. To approach this question, we analyzed 37 national mineral resource-related strategy documents worldwide concerning their contextual conditions, motivation, and objectives. Following the general inputs for transition strategies (current and target state, transition strategy), we identified four clusters of strategy documents that share similarities in their approaches and support the development of specific recommendations for future strategy design in terms of both content and process. Designing strategies with a clear structure that interlinks a systems-based description of the current state, a clear vision (oriented at sustainability principles) and a sufficiently differentiated but at the same time flexible transition pathway improves their potential to contribute to more sustainable metal production and use.
Die Kaskadennutzung von hochwertigen Materialien wie hochlegierten Metallen, also die Weiternutzung von Werkstoffen mittels Re-engineering beziehungsweise Reuse oder Re-manufacturing von Bauteilen oder Materialien, birgt in Kombination mit integrierten innovativen Produkt-Dienstleistungsmodellen ein hohes Potenzial für Ressourcenschonung und Klimaschutz. Denn über diesen Ansatz können hochwertige Materialien, die meist energieintensive Fertigungsverfahren unterlaufen, länger in der Nutzung gehalten werden. So kann der Zeitpunkt des Recyclings verzögert werden, welches insbesondere bei hochwertigen Materialien meist zu Qualitätsverlusten führt. Auf diese Weise kann der Bedarf an der Primärproduktion und entsprechend die ökologischen Wirkungen verringert werden. Gerade durch die regional hohe Dichte an produzierendem Gewerbe im metallbe- und -verarbeitenden Bereich bietet sich das Bergische Städtedreieck an für ein regional integriertes Ressourcenmanagement an.
Das Projekt RegRess trägt mit dazu bei, die Hürden zur Etablierung eines entsprechenden Ressourcenmanagements mit dem Fokus auf das Bergische Städtedreieck zu senken, um so ökonomische und ökologische Potenziale für die regionale Wirtschaft und Profilbildung der Unternehmen, insbesondere KMU, zu heben. Dieser Bericht dokumentiert die Ergebnisse einer Stakeholder-/Netzwerkanalyse von der regionalen bis zur nationalen Ebene als Basis für Kooperationen. Die Analyse identifiziert mittels Desktoprecherche 110 Netzwerke, von denen ca. 25 unmittelbar im Bergischen Städtedreieck tätig sind bzw. die Region abdecken. Darüber hinaus wird eine Methodik und deren Anwendung anhand von theoretischen Beispielen vorgestellt, um den ökologisch sinnvollen Einsatz von Kaskadennutzung aufzuzeigen und zu reflektieren. Die Methodik wurde auf die Beispiele der Kaskadennutzung ausgedienter Spiralbohrer sowie Kochtöpfe angewendet, wobei beide Beispiele tendenziell ökologische Einsparpotentiale aufweisen. Unter Vorbehalt einer detaillierteren Lebenszyklusanalyse wurden bei den Spiralbohrern bei einmaliger Kaskadierung Einsparungen in der Größenordnung von maximal 75 % beim Material Footprint und 60 % beim Carbon Footprint abgeschätzt. Aufgrund der aufwändigeren Form und höheren Reinigungsaufwänden liegen die Einsparungen beim Kochtopf geringer und wurden beim Material Footprint auf eine Größenordnung von maximal 26 % und beim Carbon Footprint von 25% geschätzt.
Food and nutrition systems are linked to all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which makes their transition toward social-ecological behavior patterns crucial for an overarching sustainability transformation. The perspective of (urban) logistics is of special interest. It couples the production and consumption physically and virtually. In this context, we shed light on the design of the turnover point of food in urban areas from the supply chain toward consumers and contribute to an overarching systemic perspective toward establishing a sustainable multilevel food system. We describe current patterns in urban food systems and propose several principles for sustainable design of (urban) food systems based on concepts such as (regional) collaboration and food literacy. Using these principles, we provide four design scenarios that concretely imagine future urban food consumption and production patterns titled "slow stock supply service," "deliver into the daily walk," "central district food depot," "super food action place." With this work we provide a starting for reflecting whether certain combinations of principles actually lead to patterns of daily life that are feasible, acceptable, or desirable. Moreover, we provide an initial qualitative assessment to stimulate further research that explores scenario pathways and incorporates additional indicators regarding the impact on social-ecological. We open up various research questions with regard to the overarching question of how urban food logistics should be designed to be consistent with the SDGs.