Year of Publication
Document Type
- Report (7)
- Conference Object (3)
- Peer-Reviewed Article (2)
- Book (1)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Contribution to Periodical (1)
Because of high efficiency, low environmental impacts and a potential role in transforming our energy system into a hydrogen economy, fuel cells are often considered as a key technology for a sustainable energy supply. However, the future framing conditions under which stationary fuel cells have to prove their technical and economic competitiveness are most likely characterised by a reduced demand for space heating, and a growing contribution of renewable energy sources to heat and electricity supply, which both directly limit the potential for combined heat and power generation, and thus also for fuelcells. Taking Germany as a case study, this paper explores the market potential of stationaryfuelcells under the structural changes of the energy demand and supply system required to achieve asustainable energy supply. Results indicate that among the scenarios analysed it is in particular a strategy oriented towards ambitious CO2-reduction targets, which due to its changes in the supply structure is in a position to mobilise a market potential that might be large enough for a successful fuel cell commercialisation. However, under the conditions of a business-as-usual trajectory the sales targets of fuel cell manufacturers cannot be met.