Questions regarding the societal impact of research, how to reach impact and what is needed to stabilize the effects are rising from various sides. Societal impact is seen as part of a social contract that exists between science and society. This entails that research must address pressing social issues which in turn implies a number of core challenges such as gathering evidence or the creation of actionable knowledge. The transdisciplinary research approach "real-world laboratory" is discussed as possible way to address and to overcome some of the challenges. A "real-world laboratory" currently being established in the city of Wuppertal serves as case study, linking conceptual and empirical investigations.
In the face of persistent sustain ability problems challenging economic development, ecological integrity as well as social justice, transformational changes are crucial. Proposed changes shall include, for instance, large-scale transitions of practices, infrastructures as well as values and priorities. In Germany, real-world laboratories are proposed for research in and with society, aiming to understand and contribute to transformations.
Transitions towards sustainability are urgently needed to address the interconnected challenges of economic development, ecological integrity, and social justice, from local to global scales. Around the world, collaborative science-society initiatives are forming to conduct experiments in support of sustainability transitions. Such experiments, if carefully designed, provide significant learning opportunities for making progress on transition efforts. Yet, there is no broadly applicable evaluative scheme available to capture this critical information across a large number of cases, and to guide the design of transition experiments. To address this gap, the article develops such a scheme, in a tentative form, drawing on evaluative research and sustainability transitions scholarship, alongside insights from empirical cases. We critically discuss the scheme's key features of being generic, comprehensive, operational, and formative. Furthermore, we invite scholars and practitioners to apply, reflect and further develop the proposed tentative scheme - making evaluation and experiments objects of learning.
Jointly experimenting for transformation? : Shaping real-world laboratories by comparing them
Real-world laboratories (RwLs, German Reallabore) belong to a family of increasingly popular experimental and transdisciplinary research approaches at the science-society interface. As these approaches in general, and RwLs in particular, often lack clear definitions of key characteristics and their operationalization, we make two contributions in this article. First, we identify five core characteristics of RwLs: contribution to transformation, experimental methods, transdisciplinary research mode, scalability and transferability of results, as well as scientific and societal learning and reflexivity. Second, we compare RwLs to similar research approaches according to the five characteristics. In this way, we provide an orientation on experimental and transdisciplinary research for societal transformations, and reveal the contributions of this type of research in supporting societal change. Our findings enable learning across the different approaches and highlight their complementarities, with a particular focus on RwLs.
Labs in the real world : advancing transdisciplinary research and sustainability transformation
There is a strong trend towards research in society-based laboratories,
especially in relation to sustainability. Semantic analysis reveals related discourses and emerging lines of inquiry, namely transformative potential, transdisciplinarity and learning. Real-world laboratories are a dynamic example of this research. Contributions of how to deepen and broaden their analysis are presented.
Reallabore sind derzeit ein populärer Forschungsansatz an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Neben vermuteten Potentialen, wie der Erzeugung von Transformationswissen und einem Beitrag zu gesellschaftlichem Wandel, gibt es auch vielfältige offene Fragen, u. a. im Hinblick auf das Verhältnis zu transdisziplinärer Forschung, der Übertragbarkeit des erzeugten Wissens oder der Gestaltung von Experimenten in der "realen Welt". Auch eine breit getragene Definition von Reallaboren existiert derzeit nicht. Dieses Diskussionspapier möchte daher dreierlei leisten: Es beginnt mit dem Herausarbeiten von Reallabor-Merkmalen als a) Beitrag zu Transformationsprozessen, b) Experimenten als zentraler Forschungsmethode, c) Transdisziplinarität als Forschungsmodus, d) dem Ziel der Ausweitung und Übertragung der Ergebnisse und e) Reallaboren als Orten wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Lernens. Im Nachgang werden diese Merkmale durch Rückbezug auf die einschlägige Literatur vertieft diskutiert. Abschließend werden mit Reallaboren vergleichbare Forschungsansätze (Sustainable Living Labs, Urban Transition Labs und Niche Experiments) im Hinblick auf ihre Ausgestaltung der fünf herausgearbeiteten Merkmale vorgestellt und Reallabore damit in den internationalen Forschungskontext eingebettet. Das Diskussionspapier will damit Forschenden und Praktiker_innen in Reallaboren eine Orientierung ermöglichen. Die vorgestellten konzeptionellen Überlegungen basieren auf einem thematischen Literatur-Review, ebenso wie Diskussionen mit Reallabor- und Transformationsforschenden in nationalen und internationalen Kontexten. Sie sind im Rahmen der Begleitforschung des Forschungsprojektes "ForReal" zu den Baden-Württembergischen Reallaboren entstanden. Dem Charakter eines Diskussionspapieres entsprechend sind die hier vorstellten Rahmungen zum Reallaboransatz als Angebot zur Diskussion, Erweiterung und Verbesserung zu verstehen.
The transformative research approach of Real-World Laboratories (RWL) has recently attracted attention in German sustainability science. Some definitions and understandings have been published, but guidelines and procedural quality criteria for establishing and running a RWL are still missing. To address this gap, this article has two aims. First, it aims to derive key components of RWLs from the current discourse on RWLs and similar, but more elaborated research approaches. Second, it aims to transfer these key components into a comprehensive research practice. This practice is illustrated by the RWL process in the project "Well-being Transformation Wuppertal" (WTW).
Methodologically, the article builds on a review of RWL-related approaches for collaborative, intervention-oriented research. This includes transition management, transdisciplinary process models and action research. Based on this review, eight key components for RWLs are proposed. They position RWLs as a normatively framed approach that aims to contribute to local action for sustainable development and the empowerment of change agents. The approach uses transdisciplinary methods of knowledge integration and engages in cyclical real-world interventions within certain spatial and content-related boundaries.
The components are transferred into a flowchart, detailing process steps, aims, responsibilities and overall principles for putting RWLs into practice. Thus, a hitherto missing tool for designing and running RWLs is provided. Then, the RWL in the district of Mirke, Wuppertal, is used as an empirical example to illustrate the application of the flowchart and related key components. Consecutive discussions centre on the different roles of researchers and practitioners in the research process, as well as the relevance of an underlying theory of change for effective interventions. Finally, critical reflection, application and amendment of the proposed flowchart are encouraged