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Document Type
- Report (2)
- Working Paper (2)
- Peer-Reviewed Article (1)
- Master Thesis (1)
Der Verkehrssektor verursacht rund 20 Prozent der Treibhausgas-Emissionen in Deutschland und ist damit unverzichtbar, um die nationalen Klimaschutzziele zu erreichen. Doch in keinem anderen Sektor liegen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität noch so weit auseinander wie im Verkehrssektor. Die vorliegende Studie zeigt daher neue Wege für den Einstieg in eine klimaschonende und nachhaltige Verkehrswende in Deutschland. Sie liefert Handlungsoptionen für die Umsetzung der Ziele des Koalitionsvertrags zum Ausbau ambitionierter, digitaler Mobilitätslösungen.
Die Forschenden formulieren acht Thesen, wie sich das Potenzial der Digitalisierung für eine nachhaltige Mobilität nutzen lässt und welche politische Flankierung und Unterstützung dafür erforderlich sind. Entscheidend sei demnach die finanziellen und regulatorischen Leitplanken so auszugestalten, dass sie einerseits den schnellen Ausbau des digitalisierten Umweltverbunds vorantreiben und andererseits zu einer schrittweisen Eingrenzung des Pkw-Verkehrs führen.
The transport sector accounts for 20 per cent of the greenhouse gas emissions in Germany and it is therefore key to success for German climate policy. At present, however, there is no other sector with a wider gap in missing the trajectory to climate neutrality. The present study, conducted on behalf of Huawei within the project "Shaping the Digital Transformation - Digital Solution Systems for the Sustainability Transition", points out new pathways towards a sustainable and climate friendly transition of the transport sector. The report specifies concrete options to follow up on the ambitious goals of the new coalition agreement to foster clean and digital mobility solutions.
The authors refined eight theses on how digitalisation can foster sustainable mobility solutions and how to shape a supporting policy framework, which is aligning the financial and regulatory guardrails for ramping up a sustainable mobility system while gradually phasing down the usage of private cars.
The rise of pedal-assisted bicycles (e-bikes) has the potential to contribute to reducing ubiquitous automobility and its negative externalities on the global climate, mobility justice and the quality of urban life. But what makes this new practice so successful in recruiting new practitioners? What policies can ensure that e-bikes are used in a wide range of situations, thus substituting as much car driving as possible - or even reducing the number of cars? The study focuses on commuting as this use case frequently entails the main obstacles to e-biking in daily routines (e.g., sweat, weather, transporting children or goods). The analysis is primarily based on interviews with practitioners and initially provides a thorough depiction of the practice elements (meanings, materials and competences) involved in e-bike commuting. It furthermore elicits key drivers of and barriers to daily e-bike commuting, points to a number of elements that are important to overcome these barriers and develops two tangible policy approaches to foster the substitution of e-biking for car driving.
Das derzeitige, auf privaten Pkw basierende Mobilitätssystem ist nicht nachhaltig: Es trägt zum Klimawandel bei, ist sozioökonomisch ungerecht, benachteiligt Frauen und Personen, die sich um den Haushalt kümmern, gefährdet die Gesundheit und verstellt den städtischen Raum. Mobilitätsdaten bieten völlig neue Möglichkeiten, um diese Probleme durch eine bessere Planung, Organisation und Umsetzung von Mobilität und Verkehr zu überwinden. Dieses Strategiepapier schlägt zwei Möglichkeiten vor, um Mobilitätsdaten für ökologische Nachhaltigkeit und gerechten Zugang zum Verkehr in Deutschland zu nutzen.
The current, private car-based mobility system is not sustainable: it contributes to climate change, it is unjust from gender- and socio-economic perspectives, endangers health and obstructs urban space. To counteract this, mobility data offers entirely new avenues for planning, organizing, and implementing mobility and transport. This strategy paper considers two possible ways to use mobility data for improving environmental sustainability and equitable access to transportation in Germany.
The sales of pedelecs are currently skyrocketing in Germany and in many other places. As a low-carbon means of mobility, pedelecs have the potential to make a substantial contribution to the mobility transition.
This thesis employs practice theory as proposed by Shove et al. (2012) to investigate this quickly evolving phenomenon. The analysis is based on interviews with e-bike commuters which were investigated using template analysis and exploratory memos. To obtain a broad picture the practice, a maximum variance sampling strategy was carried out in two cities that vary substantially with regard to velomobility: Wuppertal and Münster.
This thesis one hand presents the first encompassing account on the practice elements which commuting by pedelec is composed of. It hence contributes to the debate about the depiction of practices. Furthermore, the thesis finds that pedelec commuting should be conceptualized as a variant of velomobility and not as a variant of motoring or as an independent practice. Yet, the elements integrated in pedelec-commuting are found to clearly differ from those of cycling, so that pedelec-commuting meets the requirements of everyday life much better than commuting on non-electrified bikes.
The findings of this thesis suggest several pathways to strengthening this novel practice. The capacity of e-biking to serve mundane trips can for example be supported through the normalization of the use of weather- and transport relevant materials and competences. Deeper linkages with interacting practices from other sectors, such as an integration of cycling materials (GPS-trackers) into policing practices, can also con-tribute to this goal.
With regard to research, the present work offers starting points for quantifications, for example on the relative importance of single elements as well as on the characteristics of their relations among each other or with regard to typical constellations of elements.