Document Type
- Report (3)
- Peer-Reviewed Article (2)
22 years are left until the German target for climate neutrality should be reached. For the industrial sector, this implies a fundamental change and an acceleration of emission reduction, as from 2000 to 2021 the sector has reduced its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by only 13% (ERK, 2022). For the large structures, plants and assets that are characteristic for the energy intensive industrial sectors, the timespan implies no room for delay. One sector facing particular challenges is the chemical industry. Here, fossil resources are used not only for energetic purposes but for feedstock as well, in the petrochemical industry in particular. The efforts made in the petrochemical sector thereby not only affects the sectors own emissions, but the chemicals value chain at large, including the management of end-of-life products. The dependency on energetic resources for material use also means that there is a particular connection from the chemical industry to the energy system at large, which also entails special consideration.
The chemical industry also has a particular relevance to the Antwerp-Rotterdam-Rhine-Ruhr-Area (ARRRA) which hosts several large petrochemical clusters in Germany as well as the Netherlands and Belgium, with complexly interlinked production chains. In reaching the climate targets, these regions especially face significant changes and may have the opportunity to position themselves as frontrunners for industrial transformation. That is, if a successful strategy can be found.
In the recent years, numerous scenario analyses and roadmaps have been released drawing out pathways for chemical industries to develop in line with national and international climate targets. This can entail mapping of technological options, important prerequisites, particular challenges as well as important opportunities and timeframes. This meta-analysis summarizes and compares the findings of some of the most recent previous works at the national, European and global level. As the goal is to investigate the various strategic options and development paths for Germany and the ARRRA, it has a particular focus on roadmaps for Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. It takes a quantitative as well as qualitative approach, looking both at resource and production volumes, different emission reduction strategies relative importance, as well as policy recommendations and other important framework conditions. A particular focus is put on the use of non-fossil feedstocks to reduce emissions.
Die chemische Industrie ist auch für die Antwerpen-Rotterdam-Rhein-Ruhr-Region (engl. Antwerp-Rotterdam-Rhine-Ruhr-Area, kurz ARRRA) von besonderer Bedeutung, die mehrere große petrochemische Cluster in Deutschland, den Niederlanden und Belgien mit komplex vernetzten Produktionsketten beherbergt. Bei der Umsetzung der Klimaziele stehen diese Regionen vor bedeutenden Veränderungen und haben zugleich die Chance, sich als Vorreiter der Industrietransformation zu positionieren. Dafür müssen erfolgreiche Strategien für den Wandel identifiziert und angewendet werden.
In den letzten Jahren wurden zahlreiche Szenarioanalysen und Roadmaps veröffentlicht, in denen Entwicklungspfade für die chemische Industrie im Einklang mit nationalen und internationalen Klimazielen aufgezeigt werden. Diese können eine Darstellung von technologischen Optionen, wichtigen Voraussetzungen, besonderen Herausforderungen sowie bedeutsamen Chancen und zeitlichen Entwicklungen beinhalten. Die vorliegende Metaanalyse fasst die Ergebnisse einige der aktuellsten Arbeiten auf nationaler, europäischer und globaler Ebene zusammen und vergleicht diese kritisch miteinander. Da das Kernziel der vorliegenden Analyse darin besteht, die verschiedenen strategischen Optionen und Entwicklungspfade für Deutschland und die ARRRA zu untersuchen, liegt der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit auf Publikationen mit Fokus Deutschland, den Niederlanden und Belgien. Dabei wird sowohl ein quantitativer als auch ein qualitativer Ansatz verfolgt, der die Ressourcen- und Produktionsmengen, die relative Bedeutung verschiedener Emissionsminderungsstrategien sowie auch politische Empfehlungen und andere wichtige Rahmenbedingungen berücksichtigt. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf Strategien für den Einsatz alternativer nicht-fossiler Feedstocks und die Minderung damit verbundener Emissionen.
Reaching net-zero in the chemical industry : a study of roadmaps for industrial decarbonisation
Striving to mitigate climate change, the European Union has adopted net-zero greenhouse gas emissions as a target for 2050. In this paper, European chemical industry roadmaps from the past six years are assessed and compared to uncover how the industry envisions its role in the transition to net-zero emissions. The roadmaps are assessed in terms of ambition level, technology and feedstock strategies, investment needs and costs, agency and dependency on other actors, as well as timeline and concretion. Although net-zero pathways are often drawn out in the roadmaps, some also choose to emphasize and argue for less ambitious pathways with emission reductions of only 40-60 %. The roadmaps vary widely in terms of the importance they assign to mechanical and chemical recycling, switching to biogenic carbon and carbon dioxide as feedstock, electrification and hydrogen, and carbon capture and storage. A commonality though, is that low-tech or near-term mitigation pathways such as demand reduction, reuse or material efficiency are seldom included. High investment needs are generally highlighted, as well as the need for policy to create enabling conditions, whereas the agency and responsibility of the chemical industry itself is downplayed. Our analysis highlights that the chemical industry does not yet have a strong and shared vision for pathways to net-zero emissions. We conclude that such a future vision would benefit from taking a whole value chain approach including demand-side options and consideration of scope 3 emissions.
The petrochemical industry is among the most relevant sectors from an economic, energetic and climate policy perspective. In Western Europe, production occurs in local chemical parks that form strongly connected and densely integrated regional clusters. This paper analyzes the structural characteristics of the petrochemical system in Germany and investigates three particularly distinct clusters regarding their challenges and chances for a transition towards climate-neutrality. For this, feedstock and energy supply, product portfolios and process integration as well as existing transformation activities are examined. We find that depending on their distinct network characteristics and location, unique and complex strategies are to be mastered for every cluster. Despite the many activities underway, none of them seems to have a strategic network to co-create a tailored defossilization strategy for the cluster - which is the core recommendation of this paper to develop.
In order to limit global warming and fulfill their contributions to the Paris agreement, both Germany and Japan have set targets for climate neutrality towards the middle of the century. Reaching these goals will imply transformation of all sectors of society to avoid all fossil greenhouse gas emissions, heavy industry not the least. The focus of this study is the transformation of the petrochemical industry. This sector can become climate neutral but cannot be "decarbonized", as carbon is integral to the chemical structures of the products like polymers and solvents. Reaching climate neutrality thus means that the whole lifecycle of the petrochemical products has to be regarded. Another specific challenge is today's synergetic relation of this industry to fossil transport fuel production, which cannot be maintained in a climate neutral world.
The two countries interestingly share a similar industrial structure overall, and the chemical and petrochemical industry is one of the major industries in both countries. The countries' respective chemical industries are the third and fourth largest in the world in terms of sales, but at the same time, these industries represent just over 5% of the respective countries' greenhouse gas emissions. However, these scope 1 emissions of the chemical industry itself are far less relevant than the end-of-life emissions of their products, which belong to scope 3 and are thus not counted under the chemical industry in the country greenhouse gas balances. To mediate these emissions, there is a need to set the direction, draw out paths and investigate possible alternatives for how the petrochemical industry can be become climate neutral. In this report, the existing scenario analyses, energy strategies and roadmaps dealing with this issue in the two countries are compared, as well as the current state of their petrochemical industries. We highlight similarities, differences and identify possible areas of cooperation and exchange in order to find robust paths forward for the transformation of the petrochemical industries.