Nachhaltiges Produzieren und Konsumieren
Year of Publication
Document Type
- Part of a Book (258)
- Report (210)
- Peer-Reviewed Article (155)
- Contribution to Periodical (146)
- Working Paper (138)
- Conference Object (75)
- Book (20)
- Doctoral Thesis (12)
- Habilitation (2)
Real-world labs are witnessing continued growth and institutionalization in the field of transformation-oriented sustainability research, as well as in adjacent disciplines. With their experimental research agendas, these labs aim at sustainability transformations, however, there is still a need to improve the understanding of their impacts. Drawing from this Special Issue's contributions, we offer a broad overview of the impacts achieved by various real-world labs, highlight the diverse areas and forms of impact, and elucidate strategies as well as mechanisms for achieving impact. We present methodological advances, and address common challenges along with potential solutions for understanding and realizing impact.
The co-operation between municipalities and civil society actors and their independent impulses for urban development are discussed under the terms of co-production and city-making. This article summarises these activities as co-productive city-making (koSM). Forms of as well as advantages and disadvantages of koSM have been discussed in research and practice so far, but analyses of the longitudinal genesis of these activities and their significance for the development of a specific area are rare. This article uses the longitudinally collected, mixed-method data of a constellation analysis of the development of the Mirke neighbourhood in Wuppertal/Germany. Based on four points in time, the dynamics as well as the spatial development of the koSM can be presented - individually and in comparison to other developments. It can be seen that the koSM in the Mirke has grown at an above-average and dynamic rate and can accordingly be interpreted as a motor of neighbourhood development. Main actors and locations are identified. The study is the basis for a follow-up work analysing the reasons and structural effects of the koSM. The koSM is discussed both in its interrelations with municipal action and in its significance for integrated and sustainable urban development. The method of constellation analysis is critically discussed with regard to the relationship between effort and benefit.
Das Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) möchte innovationsfreundliche Rahmenbedingungen für Reallabore schaffen. Im Sommer 2023 hat es dazu ein Grünbuch Reallabore veröffentlicht und einen Konsultationsprozess für ein Reallabore-Gesetz eingeleitet. Das Netzwerk Reallabore der Nachhaltigkeit begrüßt die Initiative, sieht aber zugleich erheblichen Gestaltungsbedarf. Die NaWis-Mitglieder unterstützen die hier vorgestellte Position des Netzwerks.
Ways of evaluating the societal impact of real-world labs as a transdisciplinary and transformative research format are under discussion. We present an evaluation approach rooted in structuration theory, with a focus on structure-agency dynamics at the science-society interface. We applied the theory with its four modalities (interpretation schemes, norms, allocative and authoritative resources) to the case of the Mirke neighbourhood in Wuppertal, Germany. Six projects promoted the capacity for co-productive city-making. The effects of the projects were jointly analysed in a co-evaluation process. Previously proposed subcategories of the modalities as an empirical operationalisation were tested and confirmed as being applicable. Five new subcategories were generated. The use of the modalities seems appropriate for co-evaluation processes. The tool is practical, focused on real-world effects, and suitable for transdisciplinary interpretation processes. We encourage further empirical testing of the tool, as well as development of the subcategories.
Gaining deep leverage? : Reflecting and shaping real-world lab impacts through leverage points
Real-world laboratories (RwLs) are gaining further traction as a means to achieve systemic impacts towards sustainability transformation. To guide the analysis of intended impacts, we introduce the concept of leverage points, discerning where, how, and to what end RwLs intervene in systems. Building on conceptual reasoning, we further develop our argument by exploring two RwL cases. Examining RwLs through the lens of the leverage points opens the way for a balanced and comprehensive approach to systemic experimentation. We invite RwL researchers and practitioners to further advance RwLs' transformative capacity by targeting the design and emerging direction of a system, contributing to a culture of sustainability.
Grüner Wasserstoff (H2) ist gemäß Transformationsszenarien für das deutsche Energiesystem eine Säule der Treibhausgasneutralität. Dabei ermöglicht der Import von grünem Wasserstoff oder anderen regenerativen Energierohstoffen vorteilhafte Bedingungen für erneuerbare Energien in anderen Ländern (bspw. bessere Wetterbedingungen und eine höhere Landverfügbarkeit) für uns nutzbar zu machen. Wie dies erfolgen könnte und was es dabei zu beachten gilt, wird in diesem Beitrag anhand von Forschungsergebnissen aus verschiedenen Projekten umrissen.
Die Kurzstudie ist eine Entscheidungshilfe, um die potenzielle Einführung eines Reparierbarkeits-Index (R-Score) für Klima- und Einzelraumheizgeräte im Rahmen der Ökodesign-Richtlinie besser bewerten zu können. Das Ziel der Studie ist es, die Relevanz der Reparierbarkeit von diesen Gerätegruppen einschätzen zu können. Für die Ermittlung der Problemrelevanz wurde eine Befragung durchgeführt, sodass Stimmen von herstellenden Firmen und Verbänden, Großhandel, Installateur*innen, Handwerksbetrieben und Reparatureinrichtungen aufgenommen werden konnten. Die Autor*innen sprechen sich grundsätzlich bei beiden Produktgruppen für die Einführung eines Reparierbarkeits-Index aus und weisen darauf hin, dass für diese Produktgruppen die unabhängige Bewertung der Produktlebensdauer ein wichtiger Hebel ist, um die produktbezogenen Umweltauswirkungen zu reduzieren.