Using this publication server
Help for authors
Single elements of the application form
Legal aspects
- What is this all about?
Welcome to this publication server of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. This server contains bibliographical data as well as electronic full-texts. If you are the author of a doctoral thesis or habilitation or anything else that is interesting for the scientific community and want to publish your work online, you may use this server.
- Hints for searching
- When you use the Simple Search, all terms are combined by AND automatically. For a more tightly focused search you may use the Boolean Operators to combine different search terms.
AND: The document has to contain all search terms.
OR: The document has to contain one of the search terms. This function broadens your search and is recommended, when there are different terms for the same meaning. For example: article OR paper
NOT: This function works excluding and might be useful to reduce a large result list: Documents, which contain the one term, may not contain the other. For example: article NOT paper - The Boolean Operators work for the Advanced Search as well. You may use them to combine different search terms within one search field. For example, to search for documents of the author "Doe" in the years 2002 or 2003, use the query:
Author: Doe / Year: 2002 OR 2003 - If you want to search for parts of any term or part terms you can just put one word in each single search field.
- In the field "Search: ", you may use the symbols "*" and "?" as wildcards. Use them in place of a character or characters that are unknown or that may differ. You cannot use them in front of a word or search string.
Example 1: chemi* finds chemical but also chemistry or chemist.
Example 2: licen?e finds licence and license. - You may use double quotes (") to search for phrases.
- When you use the Simple Search, all terms are combined by AND automatically. For a more tightly focused search you may use the Boolean Operators to combine different search terms.
- Whom shall I approach if I have more questions?
Holger Wendler
Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
Information Management
Tel.: +49 (0)202 2492-279
Fax: +49 (0)202 2492-108
E-mail: holger.wendler[@] - What are the requirements for my document(s)?
You can autonomously enter bibliographic details on the database. If you want to publish a complete document, please send it to our quality management and make sure that you keep available all the necessary documents for copyright/publishing rights, reproduction rights and distribution rights of your publication. Your document must be a scientific one which has already successfully passed a peer review process. Please get further information about that topic at our quality management or the Intranet of the Wuppertal Institute.
- Which legal aspects should I consider?
Before you publish a document, please make sure that you are entitled to do so. You are legitimated in general to publish, if you are the author of the document and if no third person has got exclusive publishing rights before. If you plan to publish your work by a professional publisher or have done that already, please ensure that the publisher allows parallel publication of your document on a publication server.
- What do I have to consider writing my text?
There are numerous sources which may help you to create scientific texts. You can find books on this topic in our Institute’s library, for example.
- How do I enter my publication data here?
Please click on the "publish" link on the start page. First you are requested to choose a document type. Right beneath that you can upload your document files. Having done so you may click on "send". What follows now is the actual form. You have to fill in data about your publication here (so called metadata), which are used to describe your work in catalogues and other bibliographic directories. Depending on the document type, some of these fields are mandatory and therefore have to be filled in. Mandatory fields are for example:
- the document type (must be choosen from a list)
- the title of your publication and the language of the title
- the abstract of the document
- the language of the document (must be choosen from a list)
If you are unsure what to fill in a certain form field, you can point the cursor on this field and there will occur an explanatory help text. After you have finished the form all data will be displayed once again where you have three options: you can recheck them and correct them if necessary, add your document to a collection or simply save it directly. Under "collect", you can allocate your data to a department (e.g. "research group 1") and subject category (e.g. "320 policy"). - What happens after uploading my document(s)?
We will verify your documents on functionality and formal issues. In case of queries or necessity of more information, we will contact you.
- How do I define metadata?
Metadata can be defined as
- data describing one or more ressources or as
- data associated with an object and describing it
Basically metadata are describing documents, objects or services and contain information about their content, structure or form. More abstractly, metadata are descriptions of data or "data about data". Bibliographic data sets and catalogue entries in library catalogues can be seen as a kind of metadata. This repository is using metadata in the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (short Dublin Core (DC)), which has fifteen basic elements. Dublin Core is the result of international efforts to reach a collective consensus in describing electronic objects (in the broadest sense). The Library of Congress (LoC), the Online Cataloguing Library Centre (OCLC) and several national libraries are dealing with Dublin Core in many projects and are close to introduce the system respectively. - General help about the publishing form
Describe the document you want to upload using the categories and fields on our publication form. The marked elements are mandatory (you have to type something there). Please describe your document as clear as possible.
If you need help with some certain elements, move the mouse pointer over the field name.
Thank you for supporting us.
If you need German umlauts and cannot find them on your keyboard, here they are to copy and paste:
ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü ß - Form element Document Type
This element is mandatory for every publication! It contains the type of publication, for example thesis, preprint, study paper etc. You can select a type from a list while you go through the electronic publishing process. For example:
- Conference Object
All kind of documents related to a conference. - Contribution to Periodical
Contribution to a magazine or another non-reviewed periodical. - Lecture
Lecture or presentation presented during an academic event, e. g., inaugural lecture. Excluded is a conference lecture. - Peer-Reviewed Article
A peer-reviewed article is an article that was published in a scientific journal after having been approved by a peer-review process. Articles that are not peer-reviewed are registered under the document type "Contribution to periodical". - Periodical Part
Part of a periodical, including several contributions. - Report
This is more or less a rest category and covers com-mission reports, memo-randa, external research reports, internal reports, statistical report, reports to funding agency, technical documentation, project deliverables etc. - Working Paper
A preliminary scientific or technical paper that is published in a series of the institution where the research is done. Also known as research paper, research memorandum or discussion paper.
- Conference Object
- What do I need to do if I plan to publish my work by a professional Publishing company or already have done that?
In most cases this does not automatically contradict a publication on our publication server. Please ensure in any case, if your publisher allows a parallel publication!
- How do publishing houses handle a freely available online-version of my work?
For this repository the multiple publication on different web-servers is no problem. But you have to verify, if your publisher authorises parallel publishing. Some publishers have special requirements like setting a link to the publisher’s full-text on the open access server. You can find information about the publisher's handling of online-publications in the SHERPA/RoMEO list. Please tell us in any case if a third person or publisher published your work and if the publication on this repository is a parallel publication. We will investigate the legal aspects for that case and add a link or a reference to the (printed or anywhere else published) resource.
- What about licenses for my publication?
The author can choose, which terms of use must be regarded for his/her publication. These terms are defined in a license. The Wuppertal Institute usually uses the Creative Commons license "Attribution" (CC BY). With the publishing house publication of your document, the publisher contractually defines the conditions of the licence and the licence conditions at least being affected by this contract.
- Policies
The Wuppertal Institute has determined a proposal for a directive on promoting Open Access. This proposal is particularly committed to this publication server
- Documentation
This document server is based on the repository software OPUS 4. OPUS is documented here: https://