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- Part of a Book (251)
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- Peer-Reviewed Article (67)
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- Book (56)
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- Doctoral Thesis (7)
- Lecture (2)
Die Auswirkungen der Erderwärmung - wie Dürren, Ernteausfälle und Waldbrände, aber auch Starkregen und Überschwemmungen - treten immer häufiger und heftiger auf. Im vorliegenden Zukunftsimpuls zeigen Forschende des Wuppertal Instituts, mit welchen Herausforderungen wir uns auseinandersetzen müssen und wie eine effektive und nachhaltige Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels gelingen kann.
Das Impulspapier deckt eine große thematische Bandbreite ab: Neben Empfehlungen für den Umbau der Städte oder Anpassungen in Landwirtschaft und Gesundheitswesen, enthält es auch Ansätze zu naturbasierten Lösungen, zu wirtschaftlichen Chancen und Risiken sowie zu integrierten Strategien, die Klimaschutz und Klimafolgenanpassung intelligent miteinander verknüpfen.
Kohlenstoffmanagement integriert denken : Anforderungen an eine Gesamtstrategie aus CCS, CCU und CDR
The sustainable transformation of society is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Universities are central actors for knowledge generation and transfer in the sustainability field and, at the same time, are facing the question of how they can become sustainable social actors and make their activities and infrastructure sustainable. Against this background, the 16 member universities of the State Rectors' Conference of North Rhine-Westphalia have joined forces in the Humboldtn initiative to pool their efforts in the field of sustainability and to anchor generational responsibility for sustainable action in research, teaching, administration, infrastructure, and transfer. How the joint responsibility for the questions for the future in the aforementioned complex of topics is addressed via Humboldtn and which focal points are set in the process will be presented and discussed using examples from the institutional sustainability transformation and examples from the research area from RWTH Aachen University. In this way, the implementation of transformation processes at universities and their possible blueprint effect can be illuminated.
As society's reliance on software systems escalates over time, so too does the cost of failure of these systems. Meanwhile, the complexity of software systems, as well as of their designs, is also ever-increasing, influenced by the proliferation of new tools and technologies to address intended societal needs. The traditional response to this complexity in software engineering and software architecture has been to apply rationalistic approaches to software design through methods and tools for capturing design rationale and evaluating various design options against a set of criteria. However, research from other fields demonstrates that intuition may also hold benefits for making complex design decisions. All humans, including software designers, use intuition and rationality in varying combinations. The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of what is known and unknown from existing research regarding the use and performance consequences of using intuition and rationality in software design decision-making. To this end, a systematic literature review has been conducted, with an initial sample of 3909 unique publications and a final sample of 26 primary studies. We present an overview of existing research, based on the literature concerning intuition and rationality use in software design decision-making and propose a research agenda with 14 questions that should encourage researchers to fill identified research gaps. This research agenda emphasizes what should be investigated to be able to develop support for the application of the two cognitive processes in software design decision-making.
Angesichts von Extremwetterereignissen, Klimaprognosen und Bewegungen wie Fridays for Future lässt sich schwer leugnen, dass ein Teil der Menschheit auf eine Weise lebt, die eine gut bewohnbare Welt höchst unwahrscheinlich macht. Städten wird in dieser Situation eine zentrale Rolle zugeschrieben. Sie können die Welt vor der Erderwärmung retten - oder sie sind die Ersten, die untergehen. Doch was genau wird getan, um Städte in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit zu transformieren? Britta Acksel nimmt Aktionspläne, Klimafestivals, Awards und weitere Transformationsinstrumente in den Blick. Ethnographisch fundiert zeigt sie auf, wie sich die Arbeit mit dieser speziellen Form von Policy-Werkzeugen gestaltet - und welche Bemühungen besonders aussichtsreich erscheinen.